Cs Source Universal Aimbot 2.4 Türkçe hiçbir sitede bu versiyonu yoktur,bu nedenle çok mutluyuz :D
Counter Strike Source Universal Aimbot 2.54
Counter Strike Oyununda Kullanabileceginiz güzel bir bot hilesidir ve ilk defa bizdedir.
Alternatif 1=Universal Aimbot İndir By Elbistanlee~Mediafire
Alternatif 2=Universal Aimbot İndir By Elbistanlee~Hotfile
Alternatif 3=Universal Aimbot İndir By Elbistanlee~Ul.to
Alternatif 4=Universal Aimbot İndir By Elbistanlee~Letitbit
Alternatif 2=Universal Aimbot İndir By Elbistanlee~Hotfile
Alternatif 3=Universal Aimbot İndir By Elbistanlee~Ul.to
Alternatif 4=Universal Aimbot İndir By Elbistanlee~Letitbit
RAR PAS:elbistanlee.tr.cx
BY ElBisTanLee
4 yorum:
nası çalıştırcam ? .s
ingilizce anlatım
1. You will need colored skin CT models or colored T models which a material wallhack has, the models can be any color.
2. .NET framework 4.0 is required. You should have it already through windows update.
Solution to problems:
The aimbot is targeting corpses
Type cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0 in console
I don't know how to install the material wallhack
You are a noob
The aimbot is shaking too much
Lower the aimbot sensitivity and disable any CSS mouse acceleration
Type cl_showfps 2 in console and try to increase FPS over 60
Try using the default aimbot settings instead of playing with the numbers
Disable V-SYNC
The Aimbot does nothing at all
Make sure raw mouse input in css is disabled
You need a colored player model to target
Run CSS in windowed mode
Run CSS in windowed mode
Run CSS in windowed mode
Try turning DWM off/on in the settings tab
The aimbot keeps aiming upward
Your crosshair is the same color as what you are trying to target,
why don't you set the crosshair to green? by typing cl_crosshaircolor 0.
The aimbot aims too slowly
Increase the aimbot sensitivity
What settings should I use with the default aimbot settings
Windows mouse sensitivity should be on the 6th notch,
windows enhanced precision disabled, the CSS mouse sensitivity
your using should be entered in the aimbot,
and CSS mouse acceleration disabled.
What settings you should look out for:
Disable vertical sync
not doing so will cause the aimbot to aim very badly.
Disable anti-aliasing
Aimbot won't work with it enabled.
Disable RAW mouse imput
Aimbot won't work with it enabled.
Disable motion blur
Causes smearing which could throw the aimbot off.
Disable HDR
Can cause more smearing with transparent textures.
Very transparent wallhack
Very transparent wallhacks can cause severe color
smearing in certain areas of maps.
Anything less than 65 FPS (or monitor HZ)
will cause the aimbot to wobble and shake regardless of sensitivity,
type cl_showfps 2 and lower settings until FPS is near
or above 60 at all times.
No css mouse acceleration
CSS mouse acceleration isn't for noobs, but setting this to a small
amount could help track strafing enemies.
Windows enhanced pointer precision
Not known if this effects CSS, prolly should keep it enabled to help
track strafing enemies if it does do anything.
Mouse filter
Probably should be disabled since it will average mouse movements
making tracking strafing enemies more difficult
Windowed mode
Always try and go fullscreen mode - You'll get more FPS and not have a
window border. Try enabling / disabling DWM in the settings tab to see if
fullscreen will work.
UA aimbot sensitivity
You will definitely need to adjust this and find the correct sensitivity.
The correct sensitivity also changes for different screen resolutions.
Later vers I plan on having the aimbot find the correct setting.
Keep raising the sensitivity if the aimbot is failing to track
far enemies strafing and lower if the aimbot is shaking too much.
Amount to shift down/Amount to shift right
These can be set to negative values. The amount to shift down
should be set more when sniping since enemies are enlarged.
Multi-core rendering
Enable this, it will increase your FPS if you got a multi-core cpu. TF2 users might get BSOD with this setting enabled. Works fine with CSS.
That's all the help you'll get for now.
Nasaıl çalışıyor. Açamadım
türkçe anladım yüklenecekltirr.
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